Film Permit


See how easy is to start
a new filming project

The City of Airport and Airport City Association help your production company to:

  • Access civic services
  • Get film activity permits and other related permits suited to your production's specific needs
  • Approve location requests to film on streets, or other City properties in ways that respect our residents and businesses
Your proposed filming locations could mean that you work with our Airport City Office (for in Airport City), Ghana Airports Company Ltd/LaDMA (for all other public locations), or both.

If your on-location filming will impact public property or the surrounding neighbourhood, you need film activity permit. Each filming location and day requires at least one film activity permit.
1. We prepare your permit in consultation with your location manager to specify all the activities that will affect how public property is normally used.
2. We issue permits to your company upon giving a final approval of all your activities.
3. Your senior production staff need to review the permit before filming begins.
4. Your location manager or assistant location manager must be on location during filming.

Coordinate with
the Airport City Office

Our Office knows the demands of the filming industry and what Airport and the area can offer you. We are here to help you with your filming needs, including locations and permits. Work closely with us to ensure your filming goes smoothly.

& guidelines

Complete one application per project. Apply now You need to apply at least two weeks (10 working days) before you intend to start filming. We only process applications once we receive your fee. The application fee is non-refundable. Once we receive your application form and application fee, we'll assign a film liaison coordinator to your project within three business days. The film coordinator will assist in providing all of the City services you require.

Pay for using
City Services

The film coordinator assigned to your project will give you an estimate of costs for all City services. You need to provide a deposit that covers the estimated costs. Pay your deposit by: certified cheque made out to the Airport City Association.
